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The QUOKKA Research Program is committed to adopting a genuine co-design approach

Our research in co-designed with our consumer advisory partners, to ensure that decisions about the research are informed and shaped by the expertise and perspective of consumers, with lived experience of caring for a sick child.

Father and Son

The QUOKKA Consumer Advisory Group (CAG)

The QUOKKA Consumer Advisory Group (CAG) includes parents or guardians with experience of caring for sick children, acting as consumer advisory partners, who meet quarterly to provide input on aspects of research project design and implementation. 

The aim of the CAG is to ensure the outputs of our research, and all methods choices that require judgement, appropriately reflect a range of important perspectives, including those of consumers.

In a Meeting


We have put together a quick reference guide of commonly used technical terms and acronyms used in Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) research.

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